Monday, November 30, 2009

My Discipline

Self-Discipline -discipline and training of oneself, usually for improvement

the 5 top areas lacking self-discipline in a college students life, you ask?
2-money matters
3-balancing social and class
4- sleep habits
5- Moral issues

Not many people know how to develop study skills going into college but then again going in to college most people don't know what to really expect. Adjustment periods are expected but there's a time where it goes from being an adjustment period to a problem. the eassy solution? develop study habits! People have different ways that they can and can not study. Some study better at night and some study in the afternoon. Some need complete silence and some do better with hustle and bustle around them. You have to find whats best for you and that takes time to figure out but when you do it greatly improves your grades and it helps boost your self confidence!

money is a college students worst nightmare or greatest dream depending. There are those kids that come to OU on mommy and daddy's pocketbooks. These kids never knew the true meaning of working for a dollar and probably never know real manual labor. I'm not saying that all rich kids are like this, but the kids that are don't know how difficult it is working 20 hours a week, having a 15 hour class load, staying active in 3 organizations, maintaining a social life, and keeping in toouch with your family.

this is so simple...if you have homework do it before you go hang out. Or the other thing I've found that works is that have one of your friends be your confidont. Have them keep you on track. Find a friend that is on top of their studies and have them make sure you study when they do. It works, trust me!

The one thing that no matter how hard you try you won't get of is sleep. Period. End of story!

Moral issues are not necessarily the fact of ignoring your morals but learning to accept others' as well. When drinking is against all you've learned growing up then you come here and see it, hear of it, and smell it everywhere you learn to become more tolerate of it. Some even go so far as to adopt new morals. They learn that what they believe is right and wrong my not be what their parents did.

The OU Mission

"The mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and service to the state and society."

I believe that OU is fully living their mission statement. They are empowering the students whether it be through activities, academics, or the many social options.

Who's Who

Today in class I met a women named Susan Sasso. She was one of the most wonderful women that I have met here on Campus and the advice she gave me I will never forget.

With all of these faculty Leaders in class with us today I realized that this is something that I would love to do. I wanna come to class like this hopefully in 10 or twenty years and say that I remember doing the exact thing and not to worry that they will succeed. With all the one-liner advice that we were given today it was overwhelming but one reoccurring theme in all the advice was to make and imprint on this campus. make an impression and be remembered through one activity or another. "find your niche, along with yourself"

There are many pieces of advice that'd I'd give to other freshmen but I believe that there is one thing that must always be said...If you are going through tough times, whether it be social, personal, or academic, there is always someone there for you. And that it will pass......