Monday, September 21, 2009


Sleep...The final frontier...desired by all college students...and envied by those who don't have it.

The main priority for college students (as defined by their parents) is academics
The main priority for college students (as defined by themselves) is sleep while still having a social life

However, most college students fail to achieve this goal. The dire temptations of Halo, However, deny most college students this goal. The dire temptations of Halo, Rock Band, Beer Pong and the occasional date night with the local Greek system seem to easily distract the average college student from their goals. Everything can be a distraction.

One of the best ways the keep your priorities at the top of your list is to have a partner to keep you on track. Find someone that you see on a daily basis and ask them to be your accountability partner. You keep them on track and they keep you. You can go as far as to be aggravating about it but it is necessary for your success as a college student.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Webster's defines influence as the 'power or capacity of

causing an effect in indirect

or intangible ways'

In our terms it is an authority over people and their ideas, whether voluntary or involuntary

Influence isn't something you are born into, though if you are born into money it might help. Influence is mainly gained throughout your life and experiences. Think back to the most influential men and women of modern society... Rosa Parks was not born ready to defend her seat, she inherited a strong will and determination but developed her strengths. Through tension and strife, she learned the value of determination. And I believe that at the time she had no intention of influencing an entire generation to change a outdated way of life. It's those people such as Ms. Parks that have the greatest influence on our society. It is those people who have no idea that others are watching them for inspiration; it's those people who do what is right and just without a alternative cause, it is those that make the greatest impression in this world.
They inspire the world just by being who they are and for standing in what they believe. It is they that change the course of all mankind by one action.

You must not forget those who use their influential and persuasiveness to accomplish their own needs. I will not say to accomplish 'evil' or 'bad' deeds because in their eyes it was not evil, it was justified. Adolf Hitler may have been murdering and slaughtering in the thousands to us, but in his own minds-eye it had reason behind it. I am not saying I support Hitler's position at all, I just wish everyone could see that just because someone believes in something different it does not mean its wrong. Another example is Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., who are two men with the same goal, who used very different influential effects to serve their own agendas. Martin Luther King Jr. used the more mundane, more peaceful, more 'hippie' way of influencing others to follow him on his journey for equality. He believed that all disagreements could be solved with peaceful protests (i.e. marches, sit-ins, etc...). Malcolm X, on the other hand believed that a more extreme method was needed to lasso the attention of the population. Malcolm X, real name Malcolm Little, preached on the sanctity of Black Supremacy, he encouraged more forceful protests in response to the mounting racial tension. While both men fought for the same goal their styles varied differentially and influenced many different kinds of people, white and women included. They both opened the doors to a more equal footing.

Then will always have those leaders whose influence is a bit inspiring and scandalous at the same time. I can give you an example of seven men...It was called the Chicago Conspiracy Trial. These men only wanted to express their freedom of speech and assembly. They paid dearly for their extreme ways of getting those freedoms. Their antics are as entertaining and awe inspiring as they are jaw dropping. This consisted of seven men, all well educated who fought for their rights. Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, and Lee Weiner were all seven tried. Though these men sacrificed for their rights that influenced others to act in accordance with their goals. While the Chicago 7 was occurring in Chicago, many young Americans were copying them in diverse places of this country.

Though there is many types and abilities involved in influencing others, one thing remains the same:


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All About Kira!!!!!!!!!!

Hi from the wonderful world of college!!!!!! My name is Kira Renee Aidan Kendrick and I am a Freshman at the University of Oklahoma. With President /Senator/Ambassador/Govenor Boren as chief educator there's no surprise that I'm a Political Science major. I knew I was coming to OU since the minute I was born. The OU chant says "Sooner Born, Sooner Bred, and when I die I'll be Sooner Dead" well that's me down to every dotted i. Even my family lives by that standard (All but my traitor OSU brother). All three of my brothers and parents were Sooner fans at one point and most of them remain so. With my hometown being Bridge Creek, just west of here in Norman, it's no surprise the closeness I feel with this town and more importantly with this University. My love of this school and this 'Boomer-Sooner' way of life inspires me everyday to play a part in this school that will hopefully live as a legacy to other students. Participation in The Adams Resident Student Association (RSA) as an executive, General Council for the housing communities, Student Congress, and even my involvement as Floor President for Johnson 7 give me a outlet for all the stress courtesly given to me by my classes. My classes might give me stress, but in retrospect that are pretty amazing. My Freshmen Seminar is wonderful. It will give me not only volunteer time and bragging rights that I have cooler professors, but I know it will give me valuable leadership skills that I'll be able to use after school and hopefully for the remainder of my life. My American Federal Government is one of those big lecture classes that you hear horror stories about, but in a class that size you get so many different veiwpoints. It's as enlightening as it is frustrating. Understanding Theatre is another lecture class, but this one hardly feels big. My Professor was and still is an actress. She makes every class feel as if we are in the actual theatre with her. Intro to Elementry Funtions is one of the easiest classes I could've gotten. I know most everything that we are covering. The TA that runs the class is one of those awkward math geniuses. He has a lacking of social graces but once you get him engrossed into a mathmatics problem he becomes a totally new person, someone who is completely confident in himself. Lastly, I have my Expo English course which is undoubtedly my most boring and most invigorating class. Our topic is exclusively supposed to focus around the Southern Region of the United States and the mindset associated with it, but you also have to understand that many of the issues associated with the southern states focuses on Feminist, Racial, and Economic tensions, and because of this our class covers so much more then just the Southern thought process.

And of course we have the much lighter aspect of college...friends!!!!!!!!!! I was one of only two students to come to OU from my Hometown, so in that aspect I'm friendless. The other person that came was a guy by the name of Jacob. We graduated together, grew up together, and even received the same senior favorite award (most opinionated). The main problem is that we both may have opinions but they are conflicting. Whereas I'm a Democrat, he is a Republican. Whereas I'm more liberal, he is more conservative. Whereas I advocate for womens rights in society, he believes that women should be baby/home makers. Though I brought no previous friendships with me, that doesn't mean I am lonely. I have already made friends that I know I can count on. The girls on my floor are quickly becoming my adopted family, and my acquaintences from my student organizations are so friendly and amazing. But above all that there are two people who keep me rooted and focused. I do everything i do as well as i can cause of them. They're my parents...sometimes i get aggravated, sometimes they get aggravated, but in the end I know that no matter what I decide to do about anything they will be supportive. They are my backbone for being here.

What's the best part of going to school at OU, you ask? Well, that ones easy...THE CAMPUS!!!!!! I visited many different schools in my senior year of High School and OU was by far the best atmosphere. There's a sense of community, a sense of family, a sense of belonging that all students share. If it's a smile on the South Lawn or a conversation with a new aquaintence at the Union, you always feel connected to everyone else. The stray cats adopted by the residence halls are friendly and the Squirrels are even friendlier. The class gifts around campus are not only unique but monuments and memory posts for students. Every Freshmen ends up with a picture in front of the round circular statue and the spoonholder holds suspicions and hopes for every student. Campus life and all that goes with it defines students' lifes, and in that OU is a pioneer and beloved home.